Hello Everyone!
So much as happened over the 2018/2019 Winter months its hard to sum it all up in one post!

We now have two Green Goddess fire engines and a Command Unit being stored at Slough Fort, and these as well as historic Fire Service memorabilia will be available for viewing by visitors to Slough Fort on our Sunday Tours.
However, quite possibly the most exciting thing has been the aquisition of the 12-Pounder gun shown above! This is the kind of weapon that would have been mounted on the roof of the Central Fort during the Second World War
Our Volunteers are now going to begin the painstaking task of restoring and repairing the gun before it ultimately takes pride of place looking out over the Thames Estuary.
For more information about some of the smaller developments at Slough Fort, as well as information on some of our upcoming events, search ‘Slough Fort Preservation Trust’ on Facebook.