The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to thank our numerous corporate benefactors for their support since the start of our mission to save Slough Fort, with support coming in the form of volunteers, grants, tangible goods, and invaluable advice.

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to thank the Play on Words Theatre, working in collaboration with the Kent Community Foundation, for their work on creating an amazing video of the history of Allhallows, of which Slough Fort was a key part.
There are some amazing shots of the Slough Fort site to be seen – use the buttons below to go to the Play on Words website, or see the video they created! If you would like to find out more about the Kent Community Foundation, scroll down to see how else they have supported Slough Fort.

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to thank AC Goatham & Son for their assistance in maintaining the land on which Slough Fort resides.
AC Goatham provided us with a tractor with mower attachment and a driver across two days, and thanks to their hard work Slough Fort’s surroundings are much more manageable and well-represented. Also a later donation towards window manufacture.

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to thank the Allhallows Parish Council for their provision of a grant for the creation of Slough Fort guide books. These guide books have proven extremely popular with our visitors.
We have also been fortunate to receive a second grant of £900 towards the replacement of the female w/c door and frame now installed.

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust is extremely grateful for the donation of man, machine and materials from F.M. Conway involved in the repairing of the access road to Slough Fort. The many large holes were dug out, and then 80 tonnes of road scalpings were spread out, levelled, and compacted into place.
To see a press release by the Rochester Bridge Trust on the work F.M. Conway did, click here.

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust are extremely grateful for the assistance that Marshalls CPM has provided us with. Marshalls not only provided us with a concrete ring to allow for the completion of our Tett Turret, but actually made a custom one from scratch for us.
Once the pipe was delivered, courtesy of AC Goatham & Son, the ring and Tett Turret were placed at the main entrance to Slough Fort, where it sits today.

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to extend their thanks to DAY Aggregates for the provision of 20 tonnes of Type 1 aggregate, which contributed to the repair and levelling of the Fort access road.
This will help to support the long-term development of Slough Fort, with a stable roadway for our visitors, Volunteers, Trustees and materials to enable us to continue to restore Slough Fort.

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to extend their thanks to the Garfield Weston Foundation for the awarding of a grant that is funding the refurbishment of one of our Casemates.
This refurbishment is classed as essential works, as once complete will provide all of our Volunteers with a new, purpose-built sheltered area to have a bite to eat on a Work Day, plan Work Days, and be able to support one another whilst on site.

Restoration of the Magazine Building at Slough Fort has been part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
The Slough Fort Preservation Trust is extremely grateful for the support that we have received in weatherproofing the Magazine Building by installing windows and doors.

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to thank Haven for their continued supporting efforts from the very start of our mission to restore Slough Fort.
Assistance has come in the form of help from their Grounds Team, a number of tools, and the provision of a 25-year lease for the ground that Slough Fort is on.
We have recently also been very generously helped with drainage repair costs, the running of our guided tours and a new perimeter fence

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to extend their gratitude to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a grant of £6,000. This money has been put towards research costs, interpretation panels, posters and leaflets
The Trust would like express their thanks for a further grant of £5900 for volunteer costs, legal expenses to obtain our lease and training.
The Trust have been fortunate to obtain a further grant of £6000 towards the purchase of the WW1 gun and its repairs
A further award was made to the Trust under the heading of a Recovery Grant to the value of £6500, a big thank you.
Under the heading of Culture Recovery a further grant to the value of £10900 was received and used towards Materials, PPE, Tools, CCTV and architects drawings.

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to thank Involving Medway (Red Zebra) for the £1,400 grant towards the setting up of a Community Skills Workshop and the kitting out of the Workshop with tools.
The Workshop was funded by an initiative run by the Medway Clinical Commissioning Group, and is designed to encourage residents to get involved in their local community. The aim of the initiative is the help residents lead happier, healthier lives through improved participation in community groups and activities.

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust is extremely grateful to the Kent Community Foundation for the provision of a grant towards the expansion of our Slough Fort Ochard.
With the funding kindly provided by the KCF, the Orchard has almost tripled in size since Summer 2020! This simply would not have been possible without their funding.
Under the heading of Kent Community Foundation we have also received the following grants
Emergency Fund, £1200 Insurance and website costs
Medway Corporate Giving, £1000 scaffolding and bricks
Orchard Fund, £2289 Publicity, Trees, Fencing, Tools, overheads, event expenses and volunteer expanses.
Better Connected, £4134, IT equipment, laptops, training and cctv equipment
Revive, £6900, operational costs and activities, volunteer costs and overheads

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust is greatful for the support it has recieved from Little Magic Grants.
A grant was received that has allowed the Trust to engage a number of elderly, disabled or unemployed individuals from the local community and get them involved in the restoration of Slough Fort, which helps them build key skills and new friendships along the way. The grants to date have been used towards Heritage walks and the restoration of the Guard Room

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to express thanks to The Dulverton Trust for the provision of a grant to help make the Fort roof watertight, as well as replace all the ceiling timbers, and allowing us to re-decorate part of the building as well.
A further £3500 has also been awarded to the Trust and has been put towards restoration of the fort, mini digger hire, lime plaster, tools, office overheads and volunteer costs

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to extend thanks to GrainLNG, a subsidiary of National Grid operating nearby at the Isle of Grain. GrainLNG has provided us with thousands of pounds worth of tools, equipment and materials, as well as the invaluable support of their Community Volunteer Team, who have been out to Slough Fort to help us with numerous projects on a number of occasions.

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to thank The Ironmongers’ Company for their generous grant of £2,000 towards any metalworks that may be required across the Slough Fort site.
These funds have been put to good use and have allowed us to come one step closer to getting Slough Fort fully restored.

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to thank O’Keefe Engineering Ltd for allowing us to remove and repurpose some original Victorian-era cell doors from the Kitchener Barracks site to Slough Fort.
These doors will be refurbished and installed into our Guard Room to allow for the room to be fully restored to its former glory.

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to thank Orchard Community Energy for the kind provision of a grant towards building up our Slough Fort Orchard and providing irrigation to the trees.
We will now be able to support the local wildlife, as well as providing the fort with a small additional income stream from being able to sell fruit!
The Trust have now been lucky to receive 3 grants from Orchard Energy, £2000 for digger hire, irrigation, bee hives and interpretation boards. £2500 towards digger hire, paths for better access, PPE and volunteer costs. The third and latest for 2023 being £3000 towards digger hire, more access paths, signage and benches. The Trust is extremely grateful for these grants that allow the visiting public better access to enjoy the site, its educational opportunities along with the wildlife our orchard , bee hives and wild flower planting are attracting.
Again in December 2024 we have been lucky to receive another grant from Orchard Energy. This time it is to the value of £4200 towards maintaing the orchard and grounds at Slough Fort including equipment and materials. Thank you

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to thank The Rochester Bridge Trust for their generous grant of £10,000 to put towards a number of projects that we had ongoing at the time.
It was decided that these funds would be put towards the manufacturing and installation of six windows and two pairs of doors for our East Wing Magazine, which have been in place since.

The Slough Fort Preservation Trust would like to thank Total Ship Services for the provision of a shipping container in which our Community Skills Workshop has been created.
This Workshop has been used countless times by a number of our Volunteers from across the local community, and has proven an invaluable resource to have.
We, The Trust were very fortunate to have received a grant
of £13271 enabling us to create a business plan and carry
out feasibility studies which will greatly help us develop and carry the fort forward

The Trust were very pleased to receive three grants for the fort, £500 pounds towards volunteer costs and £500 towards repairs within the guard room and £750 towards an educational room

WE were very fortunate to have been successful in receiving a grant to the value of £300 from the Asda Foundation to enable the Trust to hold a volunteer event and thank our wonderful volunteers for all the hard work that they have put in over the year

The trust has been very fortunate to have received two grants so far, for which we are very grateful, £2800 towards equipment and uniforms for our volunteers and a further grant of £2800 towards the refurbishment of one of the casemates

The Trust would like to thank The Swire Charitable Trust for awarding us two grants to date, £1000 towards the costs Lathes and Lime plaster helping us reinstate missing ceilings and a second award of £2000 helping us achieve match funding for the Whose Hoo Grant.
This Trust has now helped out Slough Fort Preservation Trust for a third time (April 2024) with another grant of £6000 to be used as match funding for our up and coming Whose Hoo lottery application, a big thank you from all of us at Slough Fort.

A big thank you from the Trust for the award of a grant to cover the repairs of our range finder, we were awarded £150

A big thank you from the trust for the grant of £1000 towards tools to assist us with the restoration of the fort.

We were very fortunate to receive a grant to the value of £500 to help us with our green projects within the fort grounds, the grant went towards bird boxes, wildflower and grass seed

WE have been lucky to receive a number of grants over the years from the fund, £750 towards the decoration of the 1902 building, inside and out. £250 towards the redecoration of the righthand locker and a further £500 towards volunteer PPE, hand tools, catering equipment and volunteer equipment.

Two grants have been awarded to the fort from the lottery, £2667 to help us with our green policy at the fort, this was spent on trees, wheelbarrows tools and footpath material to aid access to the area for all to enjoy. A further grant of £12800, ” a big thankyou” went towards the landscaping of the banks, interpretation boards and grass seed

The grant from the Rank Foundation was very welcome and had a huge impact on the restoration of the Guard Room, we received a grant of £700

The Rotary Club granted the fort £250, this was used to help replace the missing chimnies by buying some of the materials needed to carry out the task and a further £50 towards running costs

The Trust has been successful on two occasions with the Tesco Bags of Help scheme, we have been awarded grants to the value of £1000 towards digger hire for the glacis works and a further Covid recovery grant to help with running costs, printer costs and volunteer communication

The trust is very grateful to Veolia for the award to us which has enabled us to rebuild the glacis with help towards digger hire, benches, path materials, fencing materials, grass and wild flower seed and wheelbarrows. The area now has better access and can be enjoyed by all.
Veolia has now made another award to the Trust for which we are extremely grateful (April 2024) to the value of £20,000. This is towards making accessible toilet/washing facilities for youth and other visitors to the fort with special access requirements. This will mean that the fort is open and usable for more/all visitors no matter their individual needs.

The Trust has received two grants from the fund, one under the heading HLF Cultural Recover Fund, £10900 towards Covid PPE, grass cutting equipment, increased security, fencing, laptops and insurance costs.
The second grant was under the heading of HLF Cultural Recover 21, This award was to the value of £6300, this was to help with social media costs, volunteer training, event costs, barriers and publicity costs
A big thank you from all of us at the Trust

We were very pleased to receive a grant to the value of £150, this was put towards the costs of restoring the guard room. This will greatly help tell visitors the story of the fort and life during the Victorian period

The Trust are very grateful for the grant received under this scheme, it was to the value of £3653.24 and was used for the following purposes…. Picnic benches and tables, internet equipment, display boards, interpretation boards and uniforms.

The grant received from The Skinners Company was put towards the final door (female toilet) on the face of the fort facing the parade area. This completes that face and will help tell the story of the fort to our visitors. The grant was to the value £700

This grant enabled us to weather proof rooms with the addition of windows and doors to the main fort. This enabled the rooms to be dry and restoration to continue during bad weather

The grant was gratefully received and funded further restoration to the casemates, grant to the value of £4000
The foundation has helped us again (October 2024) with a donation of £20,000 towards the cost of £32,000 to infill two casemate ends and replace the missing timber floor, these casemates will be open to use as a café and education room by summer 2025.

This grant was in the form of goods in kind. 3000 bricks were donated for the building of the missing cell walls, it was also used as an educational grant so that new skills could be learnt in the art of bricklaying and pointing using lime mortar.

This grant was very much needed and gratefully received, it enabled us to make further rooms weather tight against the elements and continue with the restoration in the dry. The grant was to the value of £5000

The Trust on a regular basis has had missing hedgerow shrubs donated to the site. With the aid of volunteers and school children we have now planted 1500 shrubs, helping up with our GREEN policy and replacing missing / lost habitat.

WE are extremely grateful to Brett’s of Cliffe for the two donations of ballast that were used to construct the missing retaining wall on the western roadway area.

We have also received a very generous donation of ballast from Ingrebourne Valley Ltd , this is also to be used in the western roadway area to help make the missing/damaged concrete rain water gullies and replace the missing concrete of the area around the gun position.

The Trust is extremely grateful again to KCF for another grant towards our core costs. This will help with the everyday running of the fort including essentials such as internet, website costs and insurance to name a few, thank you

Slough Fort Preservation Trust are extremely grateful to the trustees of Veolia Environmental for the generous grant of £20000 towards the creation of Accessible Toilet Facilities. This will help the site become more sustainable and inclusive to all. Thank you

The Trust are extremely grateful to the Trustees of the Charles Burnett lll Memorial Fund for their recent award of £13,680 (April 2024) towards the recoating of the main fort roof, missing doors and windows. This will greatly help weather tight more areas of the fort and allow further restoration to be carried out. A big thank you from all at Slough Fort Preservation Trust.

May 2024, The Trust would like to express their gratitude to Cemex for their generous donation of cement powder that will go a long way towards the restoration of the fort. Thank you

October 2024
The Trustees of Slough Fort Preservation Trust are delighted to announce that Slough Fort has been awarded a significant grant by the Heritage Fund. Slough Fort has been working towards the grant for nearly 4 years together with other groups across the Hoo Peninsula as part of a project known as “Whose Hoo”. Slough Fort will receive the grant to provide visitor facilities for the fort and transform its magazine into a Heritage Centre showcasing the rich Military history of the Peninsula. Chairman Colin Davis said “This grant is a major step forward to making Slough Fort a first class tourist attraction and community asset, making the fort sustainable with the provision of the Heritage Centre, a café and modern toilets. We would like to thank the Heritage Fund and our partners within Whose Hoo for making this happen”.

Nov 2024
Slough Fort are one of 56 applicants who have been awarded funding in the final year of Medway Shared Prosperity Fund, with £825,000 allocated to projects across Medway. We’re delighted to announce that we have received £8,000 following our application for funds to enhance our facilities at Slough Fort. Our volunteers will carry out a number of small projects that collectively will enhance visitors enjoyment of the site. The projects will make new areas access friendly through physical improvements and also in terms of interpretation and information available.

December 2024 we have been fortunate to receive a grant from SSE Thermal based at Grain power station to the value of £2000. This grant is to assist us with the installation of the café and toilets at the fort which will take us forward and help make a better experience for visitors in the future. Thank you from all at Slough Fort.